My vision for my shop is more purpose than paycheck.  To use my gifts and talents to inspire, supply and elevate style…  I guess you could say ‘to make money doing what I love with joy, satisfaction, and passion’.  

By ‘elevate’, I mean to transform your home into a place where you experience true delight throughout, as often as possible, even in the most routine of tasks.  Your home needs to work for you, not against you in your day-to-day life.  Your ‘dream’ home has to be the one you’re living in right now, not an imaginary ‘someday’.

Who you are changes over time, and your style can and should reflect that evolution.  Taking stock of what you love, both in terms of objects and experiences, is something that’s done over and over again as you follow your curiosity about the world around you.  And in turn, you’ll use that curiosity to develop a visual autobiography in your home.  It’s not a once-and-done kind of thing, and there’s no race to the finish line.

Home nurtures you when you need care, inspires you when you need motivation, and welcomes others when you need to celebrate.  It is my vision to provide unique items to fill all these needs.  Exceptional pieces of handcraftsmanship create character and personality in a home.  They are the soul and sophistication – just one piece makes a room feel complete.