Owning a shop has launched me into a pattern of chasing the seasons.  After the fall & winter holidays, I scramble to stow that snugly for the next year, & fill the empty space with all things hopeful for a new year.  

Spring is such a fleeting season, by the time I am pleased with the display, it’s time for the long summer ahead.  As far as home decor, however, most of us direct our attention to the outdoors and activity, so we are less focused on decorating our homes.  We just want our restful retreat to come home to.  This is a model I embrace and practice myself.

Therefore, here on Main Street, I am enjoying my focus on the humans that come through my doors- enjoying each one & offering just a little retail therapy, maybe a cup of coffee or conversation.

The slow and quiet time awakens creativity again, feeling an edge on the seasonal chase.  We have time… those of us on the fall side of summer know all too well, how the passage of time is actually racing along at a faster pace than we realize.  That’s why when my friends come through the shop during a slow time & ask ‘how’s business?’ & I say ‘This is a slow time of year, but not bad’ …it is not with disappointment, but enjoyment.  The bills still need to be paid, but somehow, they continue to be met just fine, if not better.